Here is this season's first tomato, picked this morning on July 16th. It is a Sweet Chelsea Cherry Tomato. Last year my first tomato was on August 15th. This year I choose a few plants to start early in hopes of earlier tomatoes. I started these plant on February 25th and transplanted it out with protection on May 3rd. I've let both plants go wild with suckers and there are more cherry tomatoes on the way to ripening as well. My other tomato with an early start was a green zebra. The fruit are developing, but I'm still waiting to have it ripen. Of course, it won't be red, but they do turn more yellowish and soften. The other tomato plants are setting fruit. Here's a glimpse of some of the other fruit I have to look forward to.
Market Miracles are sizing up. Red Zebras are beginning to set fruit. An unknown heirloom has some nice round fruit. I'm curious what kinds I'll get from my Fedco Heirloom mix. I'm very excited about the Purple Calabash tomatoes. The are lovely and wrinkly and seem to be setting a good number of fruit on each plant. I've also read good things about their taste. Amish Paste tomatoes were the first to bloom and are sizing up well. They are also the tallest of my tomato plants, reaching the support frame at 6 feet now. My last variety is a purple cherry tomato from China but it got a later start and so it has not yet bloomed. There's no photo of it. That's it for the tomatoes, I'm looking forward to these varieties ripening sometime next month.
All photographs contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced without my prior written permission. Copyright 2010
Congrats on the first tomato!
Hey - won't be long until you're busy canning them.
My Amish paste are huge. There are two or three almost ready to pick.
First tomato is certainly cause for celebration!
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