Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Harvest 8/4

I'm a little late this week with my harvest photos. You can find other garden bloggers' harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.

It was a slow week for harvesting.
I harvested 14 oz of Swiss chard last week (which I forgot to photograph).

Yesterday, I harvested the first of my Romano green beans with some basil. I remembered to photograph them, but forgot to weigh them. We braised the green beans with a tomato (from the farmers market) for dinner and they were very good.


Daphne said...

Oh yum the first bean dinner. I did my first one last week. I usually only cook them in a really boring way. I steam them. I always find eating them so strange since they squeak against my teeth.

Rabia said...

I've started harvesting green beans, too. We had them steamed in salt water, with a drizzle of olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper last night. De-lish!

I don't expect to get a big harvest this year. The slugs are *killing* my plants. I'm trying ground egg shells now, but only have enough to protect the tomatoes. We'll see how it goes. *fingers crossed*

Dan said...

Beautiful beans and I like how you are preparing them. I will have to give it a try with my next bean harvest.

Emily said...

The recipe I used for the beans came from here.