Monday, November 1, 2010

Harvest Monday 11/1/10

I am surprised in this last week of October to still have tomatoes ripening from the box I picked at the beginning of the month. I got another pound and a half of tomatoes. With some from last week and a few from the freezer I was able to make a fresh tomato soup on Saturday. 2 oz of carrots went into the tomato soup too.
The other harvests are slowing. I know the chard will be done soon. The leaves are smaller and more crinkled. I picked 6 oz of it this week.
I picked 4.5 oz of arugula, mizuna, mache, & claytonia to make a base for this Lentil & Pumpkin Salad.
I used a small pumpkin and even smaller butternut. We really enjoyed it and will be making it again. We did put goat cheese and toasted seeds on top too, but its easier to see the squash in this photo.

Total this week: 2.27 pounds
Total this year: 443.9 pounds
You can see what other gardeners harvested this week at Daphne's Dandelions.


Marcia said...

That's an interesting salad. Where did that recipe come from?

thyme2garden said...

Lentil & Pumpkin Salad, wow, I would have never come up with that kind of combination, but I do love smittenkitchen for her creative combinations. Your harvest looks lovely and bountiful!

Emily said...


Follow the link: Smitten Kitchen.


PJ said...

I usually use lentils and pear together, but will definitely have to try the pumpkin idea. Those tomatoes look absolutely divine, particularly the large golden one.

Robin said...

Your tomatoes look wonderful! Boy that pumpkin and lentil combo sounds interesting. I'm going to have to check out smittenkitchen.

kitsapFG said...

I bookmarked that recipe as I have several sugar pie pumpkins on hand that need using and I needed a few alternative ideas to mix it up.

It's always amazing to me how much tomatoes I get (and for how long) from the boxes of tomatoes I bring in from the garden at the end of the season. Sadly, all of ours are done now though and we are into the few frozen and the larger amounts that were canned.

Dave @ HappyAcres said...

That's a lovely looking bowl of greens! The salad looks yummy too.

Barbie~ said...

What a salad, NICE!

Unknown said...

Your tomatoes and greens look lovely and the Lentil & Pumpkin Salad looks so delicious.

michelle said...

Yummy looking greens. Lentils and squash are one of my favorite combos also.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Lovely post and great harvest! Squash and lentils sound delish.


I've just finished my pasta with funghi from today's harvest and yes it was great :-)

Daphne Gould said...

I bookmarked the recipe too. It seems like a really nice meal. I'll leave out the arugula though as I can't stand it. I could do it with spinach though.

Shawn Ann said...

I've heard that it can take 3-4 weeks for some tomatoes to ripen inside! It's worth waiting for if you can get more! I'll certainly be trying!

Matron said...

Enjoy those tomatoes, they are precious. Mine have all gone now. Your chard will overwinter really well and give you an amazing crop next Spring so don't dig it up!

Stephanie from said...

That salad looks great! I love hearty things like pumpkin and lentils on greens.