We knew we wanted a chocolate dessert and after seeing Chocolate Souffles on the Minimalist last week we decided to give them a try. We assembled them before we made the soup, but we were puzzled in trying to find a container to bake them in. I'd assumed our ramekins would work, but the recipe said they needed to hold two-cups and ours only hold one cup. I could imagine souffle rising to overflow the sides and making a huge mess in the oven. We looked at our onion soup bowls, but those were too big. Finally we realized that we had plenty of pint wide-mouth canning jars. They were exactly two cups in volume and had great straight sides to support the rise of the souffle. My husband buttered them and coated them with sugar. We made the souffle batter and divided it between the two jars. The clear glass made it rather nice, you could see how evenly you were dividing the batter. The swirls of batter and the sugared glass was pretty as well.

1 comment:
You try lots of different baking projects. I bake a fair amount and have yet to try many of the things you have. This will the the third thing on the list I have to try!
I'm not sure if I have mention it before but my Mom has a baking blog. She has loads of recipes up so if you are ever looking for something to try you may find something of interest there.
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