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Tomorrow's going to be a busy day of errands so I did my weekend seed sowing tonight. I started:
4 Pot of Gold Yellow Swiss Chard (a new variety for me)
8 Bright Lights Swiss Chard
10 Golden Beets (I'm really excited about these)
and 4 mystery peppers.
I bought a pack of peppers that supposedly has Jalapeno, Anaheim, Ancho, Long Slim Red Cayanne, and Hungarian Wax. Earlier this month I tried to tell the difference between the seeds but couldn't divide them into five groups. So today I started four seeds that look different to me and labeled each cell by number. #1 is a darker seed, #2 is an orange tinted seed, #3 is a larger white seed, and #4 is a smaller white seed. I only planned for two peppers in my garden, but with a seed pack with 5 varieties I felt I had to plant more than just two. So I guess I'll find spots for them somehow.
I'm taking the lead from Annie's Granny, and I am putting the pepper seeds on a heating pad. I was thinking of putting them in the cooler to create a warm surrounding insulation, but came across our insulated tote for casseroles in the closet first. So they are snug in there. I'll have to check on them daily to see if they sprout.
Also I recently seeded some things for my mom's garden. Last Sunday night I put in two oak leaf lettuce, two arugula, two freckles lettuce, and two pot of gold yellow chard. The arugula has been germinating quickly in just three days and at a 100 % rate. I'm especially impressed because the seed dates back to 2005. The other lettuces soon followed, and one of the chards appeared today, five days later. She and my dad are visiting next weekend and will take the seedlings home with them to finish growing and put in her new garden boxes.
Last spring, my husband and I went down to explore the main channel of the creek in the marsh behind our house. It's easier to get to it in spring before all the grasses, reeds, and thorns grow up. While looking in the creek, we saw pieces of pottery along the sandy bottom. Since we live in an area that's been inhabited for the last 160 years, its likely that previous occupants gave their broken dishes a strong toss into the swamp. It was too chilly to venture into the water and the water was a good two feet deeps, so we decided to return in warmer summer weather to see what we could fish out.
One hot summer day, we decided to go investigate again. To our disappointment, the clear spring creek waters were now green with algae and plant life. There was no way we were seeing the bottom, nor venturing into the water.
This spring we returned to see what we could see. A piece caught our eye that looked like it was supposed to be a fake log with leaves on it. We attempted to retrieve some objects with large sticks, but breaking the surface of the water was just too hard.
This past weekend after raking off the flower bed, we returned with a long-handled metal rake and the snow shovel. We found the edge of the channel still frozen, but the water was running, high at almost three feet. We had fun retrieving a variety of objects, and here are the most interesting pieces of the bunch.
The 'log vase' ; white pottery stamped from England; thick brownstone painted with a blue design; a pair of fluted saucers; a piece brown pottery with corn design, the bottom of a light blue bottle and the remains of a dark green bottle.
We found more heavy brownstone wear and simple white stoneware as well.
Amazingly this canning lid was whole. Its similar to the ones I use on the top of my wire clamp jars which I use for storing dry goods. The top reads "A.C. SMALLEY & Co. Boston & New York."
The base of the green bottle reads "Saratoga, NY."
The blue color stood out on the bottom of the sandy creek and we were surprised to find it was another piece of glass.
Now we just need to decide what to do with our finds.
The warm weather and some strategic shoveling vanquished the snow bank next to the house. We found these crocuses under the pile this week, reminding us that green things will return soon.
Also our shoveling last weekend payed off, as we now have almost completely clear beds and the soil is starting to thaw. Earlier in the week I couldn't even extract the frozen plant labels, but now I was able to pull out a few. I'm sure it is still frozen a few inches down.
We discovered a carrot or two that survived the winter as well. I doubt there is much of a root, but we'll see if they will take off this spring.
Soon I'll have to get outside and rid the garden of last year's remains, as well as pick off all the rocks that rose to the surface in the course of the freezing and thawing this winter.
As I mentioned before, I picked up some teal yarn at our school's holiday bazaar table. They were on the 25 cents table, and I got three skeins. The skeins are Cascade 220 wool and so it I have roughly 660 yards. I was puzzled by what to make of it, but thought I might be able to stretch it into a sweater. I mulled over it for a bit and came up with a ball of white wool and a ball of charcoal wool of long-forgotten origins. So I decided I could break up the strong teal color and stretch the yardage by designing a fair isle yoke.
Using guidance from the Knit.1 magazine article about top down sweaters in the round, I knit a swatch to set my gauge and figured out how many stitches I would need around the body, plus what I would need around each sleeve. I subtracted the number of stitches for the neck and this gave me the number I needed to increase between the neck and where I put the arms on stitch holders. I started trying to draw a pattern on graph paper but quickly switched to an excel spreadsheet where I could easily move colors around. I had to figure out which rows would get the increases, how much they would increase and ensure that the number of stitches would fit the number of stitches needed for the pattern repeats at that point. This is my first time with a fair isle type pattern and carrying multiple colors at once, so I designed it so there are only three rows where all three colors are used. My skills have developed for the two color work and I think I'll enjoy doing it again.
The yoke pattern is 64 rows long. When I get to the 64th row, I put the arms on scrap yarn and will continue down with the rest of the body in solid teal. I may add a few rounds of part of the design as I near the bottom of the sweater. Then I plan to come back and pick up the sleeves and knit them as short sleeves. If the yarn allows, I'll take them longer.
Here's a photo of me trying it on so far, after finishing the yoke and putting the arms on waste yarn.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day...Last week I saw this recipe for Mashed Potatoes with Greens on Mark Bittman's weekly Minimalist column and video. They sounded good but we are quite far from having spring greens like dandelions or arugula. So we used kale instead.
The basics are that you peel and cube the potatoes and cook in water. Then spoon the potatoes out and blanch the kale. Rinse in cold water and roughly chop the kale. Mash the potatoes with lots of olive oil, add the kale and salt and pepper. Top with bread crumbs and olive oil and brown in the oven. Find more details on this recipe page.
One bunch of kale turned out to be a little much for the pound of mashed potatoes. As I stirred the kale into the potatoes, I withheld some that we'll use another day.
As the kale and potatoes browned in the oven, some of the green color leached from the kale into the potatoes, a lovely side effect.
We enjoyed these with some spicy chicken thighs, though the level of spice on the chicken tended to overpower the mild flavor of the green potatoes. We'll be making them again with a wider variety of greens come spring. It was just the right amount for the two of us, leaving some leftovers for the next day's lunch.
Today's seeding list:
Freckles Romaine Lettuce (4)
Santo Cilantro (6)
Bloomsdale Longstanding Spinach (9)
Arugula (6)
Here are the kale seedlings that sprouted last week. I can just begin to see their second set of leaves emerging.
The signs of spring on its way abounded today. I heard unfamiliar birds outside the bathroom window this morning. We had temperatures into the 50s this afternoon and enjoyed a bag lunch outside at a workshop we were attending. And my first seedlings sprouted!
I started six kale seeds on Monday and when we returned home this evening they had sprouted. I'm trying to be frugal with my seeds and only plant the number I have planned in my garden. So only six it is. It's exciting to see the beginning of the garden.
I thought I was going to be starting seeds just on the light of our east facing window, but unbeknownst to me, my husband had other ideas. He made a frame for a florescent light fixture this week so that I have a seed starting set up. I'll write more about that in a later post. It's too dark in the house now to get a good photo of it. So now that the kale seedlings have sprouted, they are under the light set up and will green up soon.
I am taking advantage of not having school today because it is Town Meeting Day to plan my garden. I liked the idea suggested on Henbogle of using an Excel Spreadsheet because you can easily move things around. I use the square foot method, so I made my 3' by 8' beds with square cells. I planned what the garden would look like in April (if I'm lucky enough to be able to get the ground thawed then) and May. Then I copied those plans and added in the June plantings of warmer weather crops. The crop name is followed by how many plants I'll be putting in the square.
My beds are actually actually oriented horizontally next to each other like bricks are in a wall, but for the spreadsheet and the image it was easier to place the north bed above the south bed. Below is the plan for April/May.
And here is the plan for June.
I didn't plan beyond that because everything is subject to change and July's arrangement will depend on how fast earlier crops mature.
Last year I experimented with a lot of variety but it felt as though we just had little tastes of each kind. This year, I'm trying to plant more squares of fewer kinds of vegetables. I left out winter squash because it takes up so much space and I only got one squash from each plant last year. I left out the brussels sprouts because they take so long to mature and take up a fair amount of space too. Last year I experimented with leeks and shallots and onions. The shallots were poor, as were the onions. The leeks did well, so if I see seedlings as deal I might try to squeeze some in.
I added cucumbers to the plot because I enjoyed making pickles last year and it would be easier if they come from my own garden. We enjoyed the Romano Beans last year but they didn't make good Dilly Beans. So I ordered Blue Lake Bush beans and we'll give those a try instead. We loved our Rainbow Chard last year so I'm planting more as well as a variety called Pot of Gold that is all yellow. We enjoyed an asian green called Tatsoi when we got it from our CSA so I'm giving that a try too. We enjoyed beets, but prefer golden beets so I added those varieties. I added another variety of carrots (Purple Haze) and made sure I gave them a sunnier spot so that they will mature faster. I'm expanding salad greens by adding Freckles Romaine Lettuce and Arugula. We're also planting more spinach. I'm giving peas another try, though I need to pick up some inoculant so that hopefully they do a better job of sprouting than before.
My tomato varieties are up in the air. I saved a few seeds from my yellow heirloom last year and a few zebra tomatoes from store bought heirlooms. I'm not sure if they'll sprout, or if I'll be able to raise healthy enough seedlings with only my sunny windowsills. I'll give it a try and if it doesn't work, revert to other sources.So now that my garden is planned, it is time for the snow to start melting.
Only 9 inches to go!