Saturday, July 10, 2010

Flowers in the Vegetable Garden

Here's what's new blooming in the vegetable garden. The first zucchini blossoms.The first sunflower, a volunteer. Almost all the tomatoes are blooming. Many of the heirlooms seem to start with a funny double or triple blossom.

A Scarlet Runner Bean which is climbing the tomato trellis The first female buttercup squash. My carrots that I wintered over and moved are going to seed. They look just like queen anne's lace. The pink flowers are from the purple haze hybrid carrots. In the front perennial garden the lavender is in full bloom. And yesterday this self seeded volunteer started blooming all over in the semi-shaded part of the garden. It is only 4 to 6 inches tall, and has feathery foliage. A google image search tells me it may be Nigella, though some of the results have more petals than mine do and the descriptions say they are much taller.


Unknown said...

This year is the first year we did all heirloom tomatoes....really first time for heirlooms every and I noticed the same thing about their blooms - lovely though isn't it!

Marcia said...

You must have a different variety of lavender. The blossoms seem fuller than what I have. No squash blossoms yet here and the volunteer squash/melon/cucumber has not had any female blossoms so I still don't know what it is.

Christina said...

Hi Emily, yes, your last flower is nigella damascena, also known as "Love-in-a-mist." Isn't it lovely? If you let it, it will self-seed in your garden.