Last week I got the last pound of tomatoes that ripened from my green tomatoes. They were a little shriveled but worked fine in sauce. This week I harvested 4 oz leeks, 13 oz of kale( not pictured), and 1 lb 2 oz of golden beets. We got a bit of lettuce, and 2 pound 13 oz of brussels sprouts for Thanksgiving dinner. Our Thanksgiving dinner also included our own mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie from one of my pie pumpkins. Yum.
Total these past 2 week: 6.06 pounds Total this year: 459.67 pounds You can see what other gardeners harvested this week at Daphne's Dandelions.
The blog has been quiet lately because of travel and preparations for Thanksgiving. I'll be back with more next week, but for now here are photos after the first snow today.
When I picked the name for this blog, I choose greens for the gardening and jeans for the crafts because I like to make things out of jeans. It seems like there has been more greens than jeans and in fact, few crafts made of jeans at all. This quilt remedies that.
It's for my cousin Lucy and her husband Keith for their wedding today. It is made re-used corduroy and jean pants. Each square is made from a center of corduroy, surrounded by strips of jeans sewn on log cabin style. When I laid out all the squares, I put the corduroy colors in a diagonal pattern.I also turned the squares to be facing different directions so not all the short or long sides would be facing the same way. I tied the quilt with a cotton yarn in the middle of each square. I used the gray corduroy to make a border around the squares and then did another border of strips of jeans. I bound it with a charcoal gray fabric and backed it with a fun green print to brighten it up. It measures 55" by 73".
One thing I love about jean quilts is the weight they have when you are under them. There is something very comforting about that. I enjoyed making this quilt and it reminds me a lot of the last one I made with jeans. It also inspires me to maybe make a queen size jean quilt for the bed for winter. It would be a big project but it would be nice and warm. We'll see if I act on that inspiration or not. I still have curtains that need to be sewn.
The days are getting shorter and snow could come any time now. As we finished cleaning up the yard for winter on Sunday we took advantage of the sunny day to put plastic on the hoop house. We used 2x4s and a staple gun to attach the plastic on the two sides. That way I can roll the plastic up around one of the 2x4s and they weigh the plastic down. Most things that I tried to seed were eaten by the slugs. So I've been transplanting other things into the hoop house. Here's what I have. Bok choy, broccoli, Italian danelion
Red Acre cabbage, tatsoi, Red Kale, a few spinach seedlings in the back.Radicchio & lettuce. The Radicchio was a surprise. It came from a mesclun mix and for some reason when I pulled the rest of the lettuce this summer, it didn't look like it was bolting, so I left it behind. Recently it began to turn red in the center. I pulled off the outer green leaves when I transplanted it. Maybe we'll get a head of radicchio to grill. We used a few leaves in a salad and they are quite bitter. This is mostly an experiment to see how things do and to see if it gives an earlier start in the spring for some of these plants to begin growing again.
This week I harvested some of the root vegetables that have been hanging out in the garden since spring. We didn't eat beets as much as I thought we would this spring, but now I'm harvesting them for beet gnocchi which we really enjoy. I picked 1 lb 13 oz of red beets this week. I also harvested 12 oz of carrots for a baked chinese chicken dish. I also picked two nice heads of bok choy which weighed 5 oz. The leeks remaining are smaller, I picked 3 oz of them this week. The other large harvest was 1 lb of kale. Total this week: 4.06 pounds Total this year: 452.64 pounds You can see what other gardeners harvested this week at Daphne's Dandelions.
We were out early this morning to take photos of a quilt that I made as a gift for my cousin when I spotted some other interesting things.
A male evening grosbeak was hopping around the yard. He let me get close to photograph him before finally flying away. I've been seeing flocks of them at my feeders, especially in the morning. However, this one was alone. Also, the frost had formed some interesting crystals on the lacinato kale leaves. I'll share the photos of the quilt after my cousin's wedding next weekend.
We enjoyed a fall salad this week with carrots, red lettuce, raddicchio, pea greens and kohlrabi. I also harvested chicory/italian dandelion and leek for a quiche. Another 1 lb 9 oz of tomatoes ripened, along with a few hot peppers from the indoor pepper plants.And I picked 2 pounds of brussels sprouts to accompany a dinner of smoked pork tenderloin and our own mashed potatoes. Total this week: 4.62 pounds Total this year: 448.5 pounds You can see what other gardeners harvested this week at Daphne's Dandelions.
I am surprised in this last week of October to still have tomatoes ripening from the box I picked at the beginning of the month. I got another pound and a half of tomatoes. With some from last week and a few from the freezer I was able to make a fresh tomato soup on Saturday. 2 oz of carrots went into the tomato soup too. The other harvests are slowing. I know the chard will be done soon. The leaves are smaller and more crinkled. I picked 6 oz of it this week. I picked 4.5 oz of arugula, mizuna, mache, & claytonia to make a base for this Lentil & Pumpkin Salad. I used a small pumpkin and even smaller butternut. We really enjoyed it and will be making it again. We did put goat cheese and toasted seeds on top too, but its easier to see the squash in this photo. Total this week: 2.27 pounds Total this year: 443.9 pounds You can see what other gardeners harvested this week at Daphne's Dandelions.
All photographs contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced without my prior written permission. Copyright 2010