I'm joining on the bandwagon a little late and posting what is blooming today in the garden to join in May Dreams Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Luckily I took some photos earlier in the day.First, flowers in the vegetable garden:
Green bean flowers

Paste Tomato Flower

Unknown Heirloom Tomato Flower

Buttercup Squash Blossom
Jalapeno Pepper Blossom


Flowers around the yard:
Bee Balm


Wild Daisy

Nettle Leaved Bell Flower
(thanks to KD for the identification)
Day lily
Pale Pink Lily

Also blooming but not pictured is a wild white yarrow.
I really enjoyed your photos. In particular, I liked seeing the flowers of the two varieties of tomatoes side by side.
I suspect that the unknown flower above the reddish/purplish lily might be the nettle-leaved bell flower which I also have in my garden. Check out http://images.google.com/images?q=nettle%20leaved%20bell%20flower&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
to see if any of the images look familiar.
Lots of bloom and I particularly liked that you showcased your vegetable garden...they have very nice blooms, too. I love the wild daisy, is it Ox-Eye Daisy? \Happy Bloom Day!
clay and limestone
Vegetable blooms are some of my favorites this time of year, and you took some great pictures of them.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
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